June 29, 2011

Bacteria rears its ugly head

Oh how I hate you evil bacteria. You have messed up my kid’s head too many times and it is driving me crazy to keep you under control. I am beginning to realize that my kiddo really can’t eat any rice, bread, pasta, etc. I think it is the only way to keep this under control while we chelate.

For the last few months I have stayed on top of giving Aidan natural antibacterials and tons of probiotics, while cutting back on his carb intake (but not eliminating it completely) this no longer seems to be working.

A few months ago, it was attack of the killer Aidan. He scratched up my throat, screamed in my face, and could not be calmed. Once I put goldenseal back into the rotation and upped the Culturelle, he was back to normal…until now. I had to take him off of all of his supplements including all natural antifungals and antibacterials for an entire week in order to complete a new urine analysis and stool analysis. He seemed fine all week but for the last two days he became extremely ADD like. I could not keep his focus on any one thing, and he was perseverating on certain phrases. That was when I started to suspect bacteria, but this morning it was confirmed. From the moment he woke up he was “stuck” on a few different phrases and became aggressive with me over the smallest things. Last night when picking my car up from the shop, he had a complete meltdown because he wanted to get in the car parked next to ours. It took me about fifteen minutes to get him into our car. I tried to explain over and over that we would be riding in our car and that the other car did not belong to us. Of course explaining did not help and he was screaming and crying so hard he could barely breathe. I finally wrestled him into the car and he stopped crying about two minutes into the drive home. Like I said, I HATE YOU BACTERIA!!! Even two weeks ago, I know this wouldn’t have happened.

The thing that makes this so hard is seeing your kid when things like this are not effecting his body, and then watching it take hold of him. It is an awful feeling. Unfortunately it is an experience that you can’t really explain to others because while you have done the research and seen the specific changes in your child when treating things like bacteria, no one else would ever believe that bacteria could effect your child’s behavior that dramatically. But it does!

Seventy percent of our immune system is found in the gut. When we interrupt that delicate balance, it shows up physically and mentally. The analogy I have always loved talks about how we feel after we have a beer or a glass of wine, different, right? I know people who can get downright evil if they have had too much to drink.

Everyone keeps telling me that by round 50 of chelation, bacteria and yeast should be a bit more under control, but it can’t come soon enough!! We are currently in the middle of round 19, and 50 sounds so far away! Looking at the bright side, his gut would not go through these periods of imbalance if we were not moving metals.

Back to increasing the antibacterials and removing all grains this time around. Wish us luck!

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